Supply Chain Assessment Follow-up

Thank You!

Thank you for completing the Supply Chain Self-Assessment!

You should receive a copy of the assessment in your email. If you wish to retake the survey, click here.

When reviewing your scoring, we recommend you not only look for the “best of” and “worst of” scores, but also look at the scoring in its entirety.

  • Does the overall scoring make sense for your company at your stage of company growth (startup, expansion, maturity)?
  • Are there any surprises – in either high or low-scoring areas? What is the reason for your surprise?
  • Are there areas that connect and can together drive higher scoring?– for example, strengthening performance metrics could drive better supplier management.
  • What risks present themselves by continuing to have your particular combination of lower score areas?

Take it further - Book a Review

All supply chains are unique, and thus the scoring will have unique implications when applied to your particular company, industry, and products.
As a thank-you for using this self-assessment, we have reserved a free 30-minute review & discussion of these results for you with a senior supply chain expert. The expert will provide deeper insight into interpreting the results, as well as, answer any questions you may have.

To take advantage of this free session, book directly below: